Tuesday, April 5, 2011

How I'm juggling my sketch uploads

So unfortunately, when you have multiple sketch windows open in the same instance of the program, all windows are linked - meaning when you change the board type and serial port in one window, those values change in the other window.  That being said, I just tried Professor McDaniel's suggestion of running a second instance (starting the program a second time while one is already open) and the settings stick... which is some help.
The other part I have to contend with is to upload sketches to the Fio, one of the manual pages somewhere said to not have the XBee attached when uploading sketches... so everytime I go to upload, I have to remove the XBee (don't want to fry it so close to deadline).  So I have my controller setup on the right side of my laptop and the arduino/motor setup on the left side... and each respective sketch is on the matching side of my laptop screen.  Phew... get all that?  Good.

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